To do list before Photo Day
Close garage doors
Remove cars from driveway and front of home
Clean up landscaping
Remove toys, sports balls, basketball goals, soccer goals, etc.
Thoroughly clean whole house (vacuum carpet, mop hard floors, clean countertops, clean windows)
Turn all overhead lights and lamps ON
Replace all burned out light bulbs
Use bulbs of the same temperature (ALL incandescent or ALL compact fluorescent)
Turn all ceiling fans OFF
Turn all TVs OFF
Turn all computer screens OFF
Open blinds/window treatments to let in outside light
Remove personal photographs (or replace with general landscape/object photographs)
Make all beds
Place all shoes/jackets in closets
Clear countertops
Leave out max of one small appliance (ex. coffee maker)
Clear outside of refrigerator of magnets, papers, photos, etc.
Hide garbage cans in pantry or closet
Remove dishes from sink
Remove floor mats, to show hardwood or Tile Floor.
Bowl of bright fruit
Dinning Room
Clear table top
Use decorative place setting if available
Feature one center piece such as a bouquet of flowers
Straighten all chairs and space them evenly
Remove child seats/booster chairs
Make bed
Clear nightstands of all personal items
Store away phone/tablet charging cables
Remove all clutter from top of dressers
Clear countertops completely. toothbrushes, medications, deodorant, etc.
Put toilet seats down
Close closet doors
Remove shampoo, soap, loofahs, etc. from showers and tubs
Remove dirty towels - leave out only new, unused towels
Remove floor mats
Place food and water bowls in pantry or closet
Place pet beds/toys in pantry or closet
Contain pets in hidden crate or outside
Clear back yard of pet waste/toys